Wednesday, November 27, 2013

More visits to CHOP

We spent the morning at CHOP again yesterday for an appointment with the ophthalmologist. At this visit, Leah was presented with a clean bill of health again. The doctor dilated her eyes and checked her optic nerve for signs of increased pressure. He said all looked good, as did her ability to track objects and focus. So, we were sent away with instructions to come back in about four months.

We were also able to make an appointment for the next surgery with Dr. Taylor's scheduler. While the eight-week period is over in late January, his schedule was a bit full, so we ended up securing February 3, 2014. That's another Monday, and while we won't know what time the surgery is until the Friday before, we assume that it will be another 6:00 am surgery. The benefit of that is that we are Dr. Taylor's first case of the day, but of course the downside is that we need to leave the house just after 5:00 am. But, since this will hopefully be her last surgery, we won't mind the early wake-up call in the least!

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