Wednesday, November 6, 2013

More Questions for our Surgeon

We were in touch with Leah's surgeon again today with some questions about the distractor. As we are turning, we aren't exactly sure what is happening under her skin to the distractor. We know the size of the distractor is not changing, but we are starting to guess that the amount in which it sticks out the back of her head is getting smaller. If that's the case, that also means that the amount by which it is protruding near her forehead is getting larger. Here's an illustration of what I mean:

I have noticed in the last few days that the distractor really seems to be noticeable from the front of her face, under her skin, and it of course looks painful to me. She will periodically have a reddish spot right at the end of the distractor on her skin, as if she has rubbed on something and the skin is irritated there. As we continue to turn, I imagine that is going to get worse. So, I emailed our surgeon again today to see what he thinks. To be respectful of his time, I basically sent the photo and asked him to confirm if this is what he expects to see at this point. He said it is, and that the 1mm per day change is "well within the skin's inherent elasticity." Having just gone through a pregnancy, I trust him on that one!

Here's another set of photos that shows the change at her forehead:

Since the internal part of the distractor will be in place until late January, or possibly a little later if we cannot schedule the second surgery right away, I hope that the placement of the front part doesn't become an issue for her in the coming months.

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