Monday, October 21, 2013

All is still well

Leah is still getting morphine so she is still very quiet and relaxed. She is sleeping a lot, but when she is awake her eyes are open and looking around. She even managed a weak smile for one of the nurses. They remove her catheter, and having even one fewer line running into her tiny body makes us feel better.

Leah noticed the IV line going into her arm, which is held on by a stiff board, and she isn't thrilled with it. I know that when she feels well enough to grab her toes and finds another board and IV there, she's going to be really upset. Without being able to suck on her toes, I don't know what she will do.

For now, we are just standing by her crib, talking and singing to her when she opens her eyes, and holding her hand when he eyes are closed. We know the swelling in her head and around her eyes will get worse, and once the morphine wars off she will start to feel much more uncomfortable, but for now, we are happy that she is calm and stable. More than anything, we are very thankful that the day has gone as well as it did.

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